Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Trip To Our Capitol!

I am on the first leg of a great trip. Today I took the train to Sacramento to meet my best friend for a trip to Washington D.C. together. I have never been to the east coast, unless the few months I spent in So Carolina when I was an infant counts. No, I don't think that counts, either.

We will fly out tomorrow & spent the next 10 days seeing the sights. We will visit friends of hers in Virginia for a few days then stay in D C the rest of the time. I am also looking forward to a visit with a good friend from high school who lives in Maryland.

I'll try to make as many entries as possible, hopefully with pictures to match. Not much good without the pics.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


I've been experimenting with Picasa & Blogger to try to make a connection. Wonder if this made it?

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Todds Of March

Anyone who remembers the 1960's may recall that there were lots baby boys who were named Todd. In my life there are three of them. If you look at my Facebook friend list you see them all. These three fellows, who I still think of as boys, all possess a wonderful, crazy sense of humor and, coincidentally, were all born in the month of March. Two of them were actually born three weeks apart, the other one five years later.

They have never met and none even knows the other exists, I'm sure. I have known each of them their entire life; one is a grand nephew, one is Earl's nephew and the third one is the son of my best friend. Two of them lived in Idaho for years, one still does, but not in the same area of the state. One of them is the father of two grown boys, but I have a hard time realizing he is not their age.

So Happy Birthday to all three, you have each been a joy in our life.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life Changing Event

It seems like a lifetime ago that we were awakened abruptly at 6 a.m. on February 9, 1971 by a full minute of a shaking earth. Anyone who lived in the northern end of the San Fernando Valley that day will, no doubt, remember. At the time it was a matter of making sure the girls were alright and getting out of the house. Earl had left for work almost an hour earlier and there was no way to contact him so we were on our own along with the neighbors.

When he got to work in North Long Beach he was told what happened and immediately grabbed two 5 gallon bottles of water and headed home. Five hours later he came driving in.

It was a time of reassessing our lives. It became one of the watermarks of our life. When you lose a lot of material possessions, no matter how treasured they are, you realize how easily you can live without them and just treasure each other and the things that survived. We were more fortunate than people who experience fires and floods because in retrospect our losses were minimal compared to theirs, but I'm sure the feeling would be the same.

So, in our family today has always been Earthquake Day.

Treasure your family and friends. These gifts from God are the most precious.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Once A Year?

I decided to look at this blog and see what I had written on it and was kind of amazed that I had only written one post last year when I started it. I thought my life was dull, but I don't think it's quite that bad. I just sort of forgot about it, I guess. I think I just use Facebook for my thoughts.

Maybe I should get my act together and put something down occasionally. I should have made a resolution a month ago. Is it too late?